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What I can't say I write.

Wancheng Alethea Jiahui

October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
February 2011

Layout credits
Codes by 16thday!
Background from here, profile icon from thefadingnight.
So how long have i been gone?
Friday, December 31, 2010 9:33 AM
I have been missing in action since October. That is fact which i deeply apologise for.

BUT, you cannot deny that i have had my reasons! I mean between eating and sleeping and eating and sleeping and using the toilet, i couldn't have possibly -

Fine. I'm sorry.

So...Hi again! To nobody in particular! I'm not too sure if anyone is reading my blog, but if you are... THANK YOU. I shall update regularly! YOU'LL SEE:) And anyway I totally forgot to finish my sports trip posts. So anyway, i shall summarise:

Day 2: Woke up, screamed at disfigured legs, ran off to do all the stuff one does when she wakes up in some desolate island in the middle of indonesia. After i was done, I ran off to breakfast. Fell in some sand along the way but the food was suprisingly good! We played some games before starting breakfast, which consisted off egg and noodles. A nice treat if you asked me:) Had some bread and jam too but nobody really ate that.

So since i'm off all water activities because my ability to swim is limited to a weak doggy paddle, i watched the rest do kayaking. I was entrusted a camera to capture some shots, which were pretty funny if you ask me. It's not everyday you see some girls waving paddles maddly in the air. But lets skip the next hour and talk about our next activity.

Archery. I suck at it. NONE hit the target. None. The rest weren't much better to be honest but at least missing a few shots is better than what happened to my friend Sam. THINK HUGE RED MOSQUITOE BITES. All over her arms. Not to mention spreading. Well i brought her to the teacher and helped her to apply oinment because those bites were spreading in places hard to reach. She was still scratching (I hit her hands a couple of times already) as we did our next activity - jumping off coconut trees.

That's right, walk on to the middle of a pole tied between two 6 feet high trees and jump off. Fun stuff.

The rest of the afternoon passed uneventfully other than a three hour cookie eating session. Yes, the teachers opened up 4 BIG tins of cookies to treat us. And i cannot resist cookies. So anyway at night we had a big campfire which honestly WAS SO MUCH FUN! before iut started i persuaded everyone to play 'I Never' with me. It's a game where one person says something she's never done and the people who have done it get a point. Ten points and you lose. The forfeit was love confesion to Ms Ng. The girl who lost really did it. I'm still reliving that scene and snorting.

I also suggested we play broken telephopne. We played that a lot, and gosh was it FUNNY. Red ended up as dead and sticker as teacher. But honestly, you don't want to know everything in full detail. Trust me.

Anyway, i became good friends with the little girl there. I was only one to accept her crab. Well, it's not her fault no one wanted to take it. Other than the fact that it was small and alive, i'm sure they thought it was cute. Minus the fact that she tried to stuff it down their backs, they might have actually taken it.

Soon to end day 2, a beetle appeared. Yup, it fell onto my seniors hair and me being the only one who understood the pain of beetles in your hair, helped to take it out. Too bad it flew onto my hair. Yes i screamed and trashed and made everyone (think teachers, team mates, Ms Susan Lim, and every other sports girl) to gape at me. Fun stuff, eh?

So anyway, i want to end the sports trip chapter, so to summarise day 3: I said morning prayers, it rained, we left and i reached home. My mother took one look at me and proclaimed: No more sports camp for you. Which if you ask me is highly unfair. I had fun! I SURVIVED! But granted my legs still look...

I don't think i'll be going back anytime too soon.