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What I can't say I write.

Wancheng Alethea Jiahui

October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
February 2011

Layout credits
Codes by 16thday!
Background from here, profile icon from thefadingnight.
Friday, October 29, 2010 6:36 AM
Okay so school has finally ended for the year and all i can say is......sad.

Blue, down, sad, lost, feeling melancholic, sad, depressed, woeful, sad - basically, I feel SAD.
You heard of the saying: You don't know what you have untill it's gone? That saying pretty much fits our situation. Not saying that all of my classmates and i are going to disappear off the face of the earth in the next ten seconds. Nope. In fact, there's still hope that some of us will reunite next year in the same class. Its just that, since not all of us can be together next year, i wish I could have treasured our time together, just a little bit more. You know, be nicer, friendlier, less annoying, more lame, etc,etc. Enjoyed some peoples' a tiny bit more....

Still, I'm sure that everyone had their regrets. But you know, in the end i can't help but feel that i wouldn't have changed anything even if given the chance. Maybe i should have cared more or appreciated something more at some point, but that still doesn't change the fact that this school year was one of the most rewarding school years in my life. And that in its own twisted way, everything's already perfect.


We celebrated Alethea and Rowena's B'dae at the Skating Rink last Tuesday and it was a BLAST! Skating is AWESOME! Plus we ate some pretty good Jap food at a restaurant upstairs:) Then we ate the Black Forest cake (which woke me up a good one half hour early) that i bought at J8. We couldn't finish, so we gave it to the guy at the restaurant and in return, he gave us two free ice creams! CHEERS!

We celebrated Jia Hui's birthday bash at my house! Photos are on FB. First we watched Harry potter and the goblet of fire for about 10 minutes, then we got tired of it and watched Harry Potter and The Chamber Of Secrets instead for the next 2 hours, while pigging out on Lays, crackers and percy piglet gummies. Oh and CURRY NOODLES. Which we got when we burst into the primary side, demanding to enter as visitors. Only to have 2 security guards object and try to shoo us out, but to no avil:) We got the noodles(and some -i missed u- hugs) before making a break for it. A fascinating adventure to say the least.

After an awesome lunch of pizza, salad and grapes (which we stuffed in our mouths to see who could hold the most- i won at 14 grapes), we baked awesome choc-chip muffins and used that to celebrate Jia Hui's B'dae. After that we played some games and went our seperate ways.

So HAPPY B'DAE ALL OF U! MAY EACH BIRTHDAY BE AS CRAZY AS THE ONES WE JUST CELEBRATED.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!- better hope not- i'm bankrupt:(

Wednesday, October 27, 2010 7:14 AM
Could be summarised in one syllable: MUD

Mud, sand, grass, mud, rocks, pebbles, mud, socks - oh - did i mention MUD? - was basically all i saw felt, smelt or touched today. Seriously. The frisbee (i'm in Ultimate frisbee) was covered with mud, my clothes were covered with mud, my hair (don't ask) was covered with mud and worse still, my friends were covered with mud.

Oh well at least it didn't start to drizzle all of a sudden and due to the fact that there is no lightning or thunder, the teachers insist that we continue, hence making us wet AND muddy. But we can't be that unlucky, can we?

Thinking about it more carefully, better keep your fingers crossed to the next sports day.

Now on to the games. We had Frisbee, soccer, Captain's ball, badminton and floorball. Pretty okay, if you ask me. Thank god we didn't have something retarded like...umm... ummmmmmmmm...something retarded. And honestly i thought we had a lot of fun. What wasn't fun was waiting from 8-10 a.m. for our games to start. And due to some stroke of idiocy, we stayed in the same spot under the sun for a full 2 hours. sad.

But it became fun when the games began. Plus the drink i bought after all of it contained saliva from about 6 or so people. Hydration, you know. So anyway, the only sad fact is that after all the "AHHHH"-s and the "NOOO"-s, our sports carnival didn't end:( Table Tennis Training was the next stop on the list.

Oh well, i guess the sports carnival never ends for all us sports girls...

Another random entry
Saturday, October 23, 2010 8:42 PM
Okay, sorry to say but i'm one and a half days late to write this; meaning that this post should have emerged on friday or saturday but instead, it comes out on sunday. Admittedly, i was busy.
Busy doing what you ask?

Answer: S-E-C-R-E-T(teehee).

What i did occupying my time for the whole saturday and friday night is for me to know and you to never find out:) Anyway, lets skip my absent days and go back to friday, which can only be described as utterly, terribly, horrendously, hideously, devastatingly, obnoxiously, mind-boggling-ly boring.

And it was all INTERNET BROADCASTING'S FAULT. And i had a panic attack when the chinese teacher so casually mentioned the words "chinese file". Only the garbage man knows where that went i tell you. Oh and "phrase book" (announced by EL teacher) gave me goosebumps. If i'm not wrong, i'm still short of 70 phrases. Oh well.

On the upside, i made a poem with Wan Cheng to kill time during internet broadcasting. It wasn't too bad, if i do say so myself:) But as for it's current location, my best guess is that it's residing with my chinese file, next to the all-knowing garbage men.

Oh well~

Tuesday, October 19, 2010 1:16 AM
I CAN'T LINK TO ANYONE=ALONE=SAD= no one is going to read this dumb post:(

Hence i shall crap:/

Okay well school today was pretty cool: we had sword fighting!!!
fake swords of course, but still very, very violent. Of course, we weren't supposed to be violent. In fact, they came to teach us defense. Oh well, might as well know how to defend and attack. There! No harm done!

Oh yeah, and i accidentally broke Jia Hui's flower:( SAD:(. She was like "never mind" but i was... apologetic. Oh, who am i kidding? I FELT VERY VERY BAD! Sorry Qiu and her flower!

Plus i just read cheryl lim's blog and felt very very touched. I was a really annoying partner, but she claims i was 'awesome', well she was WAY nicer! Sadly i can't tell her this in her face because...

It all goes back to that depressing first point...

What am i doing?
Saturday, October 16, 2010 8:58 AM
Okay so we're done with exams, but for some reason we still have 2 more weeks of school. Weird right?
Anyway, to increase my less-than-hectic social life, i've decided to start a blog. Woohoo. Yipeee.

Okay, WHO AM I KIDDING? i barely even touch facebook, much less BLOG. Call it peer pressure my friends. PEER PRESSURE. Of course, i don't even think anyone pressured me.

 Oh well, now that i'm done venting, i starting to feel kinda good. Strange.

Hmm... maybe blogging isn't so bad after all:')